We had the wonderful opportunity at PEP Enterprise in our Woodnook Primary School fortnightly drop in to meet Eman Adam from Lancashire County Council and Lisa Charley from Hyndburn Leisure.

Eman Adam is the Refugee Community Development Officer For the Lancashire Refugee Integration Team within the Lancashire County Council

Eman and her team coordinate the arrivals and support for thousands of people who have entered Lancashire through over 10 different refugee and asylum resettlement routes.

The refugee is at the heart of everything the team does. The team recognise the immense and unique traumas that refugee individuals have suffered and continue to suffer and acknowledge that the community is unique in its vulnerability and resilience. Every refugee is treated with dignity, respect and a belief in their potential. The work of the team is: Person-centred, Compassionate (Trauma-informed) and Research/ best-practise based

Please see the website for more details

W: https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/res…/support-for-resettlers/

Lisa Charnley is the Health and Wellbeing Manager for Up and Active in the Hyndburn Leisure Centre

Lisa and her team run the Up & Active – Hyndburn programme

The services are split into 3 sections:

Active Lives – 12 week physical activity programme enabling individuals to access a tailored exercise programme to increase the amount of activity in their daily lives.

Healthy Weights – This programme supports adults to make healthy lifestyle choices to improve their health and well-being.

Cardiac Rehabilitation – aimed to support rehabilitation of individuals back into their everyday lives and empower them to effectively managing their own health condition effectively.

Please see the website for more details

W: https://www.hyndburnleisure.co.uk/up-active/

We had a wonderful turn out and thank you to all the parents who attended!

#woodnookprimaryschool #hyndburnleisure #lancashirecountycouncil #communityorganisations #empowermentthroughemployment #RefugeesWelcome #asylumseekerswelcome #bamecommunity

Thank you to Hyndburn Food Pantry for delivering an informative session at our Wednesday drop-in session for parents at Woodnook Primary School!

The work they provide is a great service to the community and support for those struggling with food. They provide community food provision for those needing extra help.

They can be found at:

📍 27 Broadway, Accrington, BB5 1ES.

🕰️ Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10am to 2pm.


Hyndburn Food Pantry offers a great service for those struggling with food, and in need of extra support.

They can be found at:

📍 27 Broadway, Accrington, BB5 1ES.

🕰️ Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10am to 2pm.

From the 11th to the 14th of January, PEP Enterprise teamed with the Goofus Theatre and The Whitaker Museum to deliver a creative and interactive workshop for refugee families in Rossendale.

The ‘Animate and Create’ workshop was a great opportunity to allow families to explore puppetry, music, and art, all of which would culminate in a final animation piece. The workshop gave refugee families the opportunity to tell their own stories and culture through animation, providing an interesting insight into different identities, as well as promoting inclusivity and cross-cultural understanding!

Thank you to all those involved in this project. It was fantastic to see many happy faces, and everyone firmly enjoying themselves!

On 17th December, we at PEP Enterprise will be taking refugee families to the Moonsmile performance at #The Whitaker in Rossendale!

Moonsmile is an exciting theatre performance by the Goofus Theatre, a puppet, mask, music and play company seeking to provide a creative, imaginative and thought-provoking experience through a non-verbal puppet show.

If any refugee families are interested having a great time exploring surrealism, folklore, circus and the fantastical, be sure to get in touch with us before they are fully booked!

We and the families we work with are no doubt excited!

Do you need extra help with your English?

Join our English support sessions!

Our volunteers will offer tailored support for refugees and asylum seekers to help improve their English. This is great if your a beginner, or you want extra help to improve on your ESOL courses. Once we establish your needs, we will help you with your goals.

This will take place every Thursday, 10:00am to 11:30am, at Haslingden Community Link.

If you or anyone is interested please get in touch!