A huge thank you to Monkey Playland for offering this free day for refugee families to come and have fun. Both parents and their children firmly enjoyed themselves!

Monkey Playland also offered many flexible volunteering and paid opportunities to help refugees with integration, gaining work experience and developing their confidence.

It is truly admirable when local businesses go above and beyond to support their local community!

We’ve seen all sorts of exciting changes at PEP over this winter period – with new volunteers and staff joining us; new projects of work and new partnerships with other organisations. Last, but not least, we hope that you are enjoying our completely updated and redesigned website!

Many of our projects have continued throughout the various lockdown, some in modified forms, and making use of Zoom to meet, for example. The Empowering Walks programme is one of those that has continued unabated – above there are some photos of a refreshing early January walk above and around Haslingden led by Michelle Navin.